Pink Moon & the rare Arctic Pink Geese!

Yesterday afternoon, the moon was in the north-eastern sky, with the sun below the horizon to the south-west. The moon had taken on quite a pink glow. But by the time I was able to stand still, and get a semi-half-decent shot, the moon was changing colours again.Β  It now looks a bit orangier in this photo.

I failed to bring up my tripod or monopod. As you can see from the following photo, I have a difficult time standing still. The runway lights look more like geese flapping across the threshold! Well, maybe in my case they aren’t so rare!

4 responses to “Pink Moon & the rare Arctic Pink Geese!

  1. Once again, neat pictures Pete! I’m at the Toulouse airport (free wi-fi!) waiting to head off home. Just watching the Airbus “Beluga” taking off! Strange looking aircraft!
    Looking forward to seeing you in November!!

    Andrew πŸ™‚

  2. Brighton Pete in Alert

    Welcome back to Canada! You are on the way with all the calamity going on in France? I suppose it is centred on Paris though. Hope you have a good flight back. See you later – sometime…

  3. Well, no new pictures or posts… Since it won’t be long now until you’re on your way back home, maybe the camera is already packed!!

    There have been some cold, frosty, clear mornings and warm days – I think there is rain in the forecast for today… better than snow I suppose! πŸ˜‰

    We’re just on our way over to Lola’s for coffee with J.P.
    Au revoir the nooo!
    Andrew πŸ™‚

  4. Brighton Pete in Alert

    Ah Lola’s – I seem to recall this place!

    I do have more photo’s to post – I’ve just been too busy trying to get ready for the handover this week.

    It won’t be long before I am home again! YAY

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