Daily Archives: 2010-10-16

Hockey Night in Alert

Some of the guys have been hard at work making a hockey rink outside. It isn’t regulation size, but it will last until at least July next year! All they need now are to have their skates shipped up.

It is perfect for broomball too! Where’s my shoes? Drats – down south and I head back in just over a month. I think it would be great getting Lance from CFTO up here making the rink sides (we do need those!) and some NHL’ers or Old Timers. That would be a hoot. But I’ll be long gone by the time anything like that happens.

It’s fun anyway – even with the windchill out there now.

Noon-day light

I headed out to take a few photo’s just after noon today. Here is a view of the sunlight streaming up & well over me. It is an extended dawn-dusk period now, with pinkish hues throughout the ever shrinking daytime.

The temperature was -14, with a 25 km/h wind. So there was drifting snow and a windchill of -24. Not too bad for Alert!